To All The Boys I've Loved Before by Jenny Han
What if all the crushes you ever had found out how you felt about them… all at once? Sixteen-year-old Lara Jean Song keeps her love letters in a hatbox her mother gave her. They aren’t love letters that anyone else wrote for her; these are ones she’s written. One for every boy she’s ever loved—five in all. When she writes, she pours out her heart and soul and says all the things she would never say in real life, because her letters are for her eyes only. Until the day her secret letters are mailed, and suddenly, Lara Jean’s love life goes from imaginary to out of control.
Girl with unrequited love issues is bombarded when guys she's loved start popping up like daisies... with her unsent love letters in hand.
I liked so much about this book! Jenny Han's writing is so enjoyable to read. You'll be laughing on the first pages and the rest of the book won't let you down. Don't believe me? Here's an excerpt of the first paragraph of the book:I like to save things. Not important things like whales or people or the environment. Silly things. Porcelain bells, the kind you get at souvenir shops. Cookie cutters you'll never use, because who needs a cookie in the shape of a foot? Ribbons for my hair. Love letters. Of all the things I save, I guess you could say my love letters are my most prized possession.I loved Lara Jean's family. I believed them and their complications and their love for each other. I love her dad!Also, shout out to Jenny Han for telling me exactly how to pronounce Lara Jean's last name in the first couple pages of the books. If you don't remember a pet peeve of mine is going a whole book and having NO idea if I'm pronouncing someone's name correctly.I loved LJ's fashion sense. Hello Blair Waldorf in book form... wait was gossip girl a book series... okay maybe that sentence doesn't stand true... but you know what I mean.She bakes! I need to get a list of awesome books where the characters bake throughout it's pages? Wouldn't that be the perfect themed book club? You make all of the recipes while you talk about your book? (I know, I know... I'm an idea girl. Oh what was that? People have been doing book clubs like that for years? Oh...)I also like the name Margot. Which is really random to mention- but in case you were wondering it means pearl in French. Why do I know that? I liked it so much I looked it up. You're welcome.
If you've read this book already do not kill me for this answer. And let me also tell you that this is a reread for me, so... I don't like Peter K. I know, I know, the heart wants what it wants. When LJ and Peter actually converse alone, she usually seemed annoyed with his style (the constant "you're welcome" response), and she mentions more than once that she just can't stay mad at him. So that means that she was consistently mad at him. Just didn't seem like the making of a long-lasting and solid relationship to hope for. #relationshipgoalsI also didn't like the best friend of Chris. That's LJ's best friend? I get why she's written in the book, she pushed LJ. But she doesn't really seem like a good friend.It ends on a cliffhanger. LAME.
Watch: the movie on Netflix!Read: a romance novel (She reads them in the book!)Buy: the next two books, because it's a trilogy and they end on cliffhangers!Eat: snickerdoodles (The first cookies she makes in the book!)Listen: You Belong with Me by Taylor Swift
This really COULD be read anytime because it's super cute- but they do mention the holidays quite a bit in this movie- so I say Thanksgiving and Christmas time!
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