The Joy of Leaving Your Sh*t All Over The Place by Jennifer McCartney
The anti-clutter movement is having a moment. You may have heard about a book—an entire book—written on the topic of tidiness and how “magical” and “life-changing” it is to neaten up and THROW AWAY YOUR BELONGINGS. Yes, you read that correctly. It’s time to fight that ridiculousness and start buying even more stuff and leaving it any place you want. Guess what, neatniks? Science shows that messy people are more creative.*Being a slob is an art, and there’s a fine line between being a consumer and being a hoarder. Don’t cross that line. This book shows you how to clutter mindfully and with great joy. The results are mind-blowing. Your plants will stop dying. Your whiskey bottle will never run dry. Your drugstore points will finally add up to a free jar of salsa and some nice shampoo. You’ll go shopping and discover you’ve lost weight... It's time to take back your life from the anti-clutter movement.*As well as smarter and more attractive.
A parody book for people who weren't feeling the love after reading The Life Changing Art of Tidying by Marie Kondo.
This book was a parody. It was laugh out loud funny! Now, you may know by now that I was not into Marie Kondo's book about tidying. This book was basically written to make fun of that book. It was a quick read with very few pages. Overall the premise states and restates that there are so many books that exist to teach you how to be a tidy person- McCartney submits that, that in and of itself proves we are naturally messy and to embrace the true you! She has interesting quotes at the beginning of every chapter and interesting stats throughout. For instance, a study that proves the messier you are, the more creative you are. Overall it was a quick and funny read.
This book is NSFW (not safe for work). It's pretty crass. It also has WAY too many drinking references. Personally I don't find drinking jokes funny. The shirts about mommy wine time, and "your sippy cup" never get a giggle from me. I think it's weird. This book would be great for people who do find those shirts funny.
Do: relax and just read it! No need to make a to do list in your head because you are embracing your mess!Eat: Doritos. I can't think of a messier food.Drink: Wine.