Living Beyond Your Feelings: Controlling Emotions So They Don't Control You by Joyce Meyer
living beyond your feelings
1 out of 5
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I picked this book up hoping it would give me skills to better parent. Like getting annoyed so quickly or not hiding my heightened emotions from my kids. This book gave me none of those skills. In fact, reading this through the eyes of someone who suffered from Postpartum Depression, I was kind of frustrated with a lot of the main points of this book. It just seemed like awful advice! For example, when you have a bad day you talk about your moods or you'll tell someone how you're feeling, but when you have a good day you don't do that. So I read that initially and I was like, yeah, I should be more into saying "I'm in a great mood today!" or something more along those positivity lines. But that wasn't Meyer's point in the book. She was pointing to the idea if you are feeling low or bad, you should also keep that to yourself. I'm so against that idea because I think it's dangerous. Especially to moms who are already isolated from a lot of interaction from other adults. Whew, rant over. For this reason, and some others, this book was a MAJOR miss for me.