cocoa peppermint chocolate chip cookies
Listen- I’m a HUGE fan of chocolate and peppermint together. So today when my toddler asked if we could make peppermint cookies I responded as any reasonable parent would, “OMG YES! LET’S MAKE COCOA PEPPERMINT COOKIES!!!”
Shall we get started on this gooey amazingness before us? I thought so…
cocoa peppermint chocolate chip cookies
1 stick of butter- cut into chunks (about a tablespoon width apart)
1/2 cup white sugar
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 egg (it doesn’t have to be room temperature)
2 tsp vanilla extract (this is the rare occasion where I use the actual extract and not vanilla bean paste)
1 & 1/2 cups of flour (I use all purpose from King Arthur)
1/4 cup cocoa
1/2 tsp baking powder
1/2 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
semi sweet chocolate chips (I could measure this out but I’m not a psychopath… I just pour some in til it looks right)
peppermint filled baking truffles (also, just pour some in to your heart’s desire)
Preheat oven to 350F
Bake for 10-12 minutes.
Okay now I’ll do the breakdown for you if you’re interested.
I found these peppermint baking truffles this year in July and it was the inspiration behind us celebrating Christmas In July. So I went hunting for them as soon as the Christmas stuff was out in Walmart. And I may have gone a little overboard in my purchasing….
I use this cocoa cookie recipe a lot without the peppermint truffles, but it was so good with them as an addition! Shall we go into baking steps?
baking steps
I always cream together the butter and sugar. That means I add sugar and butter only into my KitchenAid, then I put it on stir until they are combined. Once they’re combined I move the mixer into a fast speed. (That’s right, like a 6 speed or so…it won’t come flying out of the bowl, I promise!) I set a timer for 5 minutes- this creates air in the cookies and helps them to be puffy. I only like puffy cookies. If you like you’re flat- then microwave the butter and don’t whip the air into it.
in a separate bowl (I know, that’s annoying- it’s one more thing to clean- but the cookies come out better this way) combine all of your dry ingredients and whisk those around until combined.
when your five minute timer goes of, add in the vanilla and the egg. Don’t stir these in excessively.
Stop the mixer, pull the head up. Dump half of the dry ingredients in, and mix. (Maybe for like 15-30 seconds). Then add the other half of the dry ingredients in.
Now you can add chocolate chips and peppermint truffles to your liking. (I usually do like half a bag)
Line your baking sheet with parchment paper. (Listen, I don’t like the silicone mats, I don’t think they cook as well. I also prefer a baking sheet that has a lip around all four sides) I personally prefer the pre-cut parchment paper.
roll the dough into balls (you decide the size!) and put into the oven. When you take them out (I took mine out after 11 minutes) you should let them sit on the cookie sheet for a few minutes. This will help them not to crack before you place them on the cooling rack. (Or straight onto your plate for consumption).
that’s it, you did it! eat em!
my hand written recipe
I personally like to use a recipe binder with plastic sheets. You can use a dry erase marker and mark on the plastic when you use an ingredient so you remember!
roll em up!
I use my hands.
Don’t forget the milk!
see i’m telling the truth
pre-cut parchment paper, and a baking sheet with a lip all the way around.
they’re done!
You’ll notice I didn’t say to bake until golden-brown. Because you can’t tell…